Cosmic Spectacle Massive Burst of Light in Galaxy OJ287

June 20 2023

Galaxy called OJ287, located 5 billion light-years away, a burst of light took place that surpassed the brightness of our Milky Way galaxy by a remarkable factor of 100.

Image Credit: NASA

This unfolded in a binary system consisting of two black holes locked in a gravitational dance a celestial rarity.

Image Credit: NASA

The smaller black hole, with a mass 150 million times that of our sun, orbits its colossal companion,  weight of 18 billion solar masses, approaching speeds close to that of light.

Image Credit: NASA

A new study revealing that this celestial brilliance is a result of the intricate dance between these binary black holes.

Image Credit: NASA

February 2022 when astronomers witnessed the smaller black hole colliding with a gas disk surrounding its larger counterpart, igniting a luminous explosion.

Image Credit: NASA

After stellar destruction, as the immense gravitational pull of supermassive black holes tears apart stars, leaving behind swirling gas disks known as accretion disks.

Image Credit: NASA

The black holes in OJ287, merging into a single point when observed through telescopes, blurring the boundaries of cosmic phenomena.

Image Credit: NASA

Team of researchers who have been studying this black hole pair since 1983, documenting numerous brilliant flares.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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